Join our Committee

Join our Committee

ASIEQ will be holding our AGM in November, so it’s time to start thinking about joining our Executive Committee. Contact our office or one of our committee members to discuss this unique opportunity.

Email you expression of interest to the Secretariat:


ASIEQ November 2023 Forum

ASIEQ November 2023 Forum

Members are invited to the November forum.  Our meeting will be held in the offices of MinterEllison.  Details are:

Date:     Wednesday 8 November 2023
Time:     9am for the meeting, 10.20am for the professional development session
Where:  Minter Ellison, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane

A Microsoft Teams dial in link is also available.

To RSVP, please email our Secretariat and advise if you are attending in person or via Teams.  If in person, please also advise if you have any dietary requirements.

The professional development session will include an informative session from:
  • Queensland Rail ‘Healthy Minds’

For documents for this Forum, please click here.

We look forward to seeing you for the last Forum for 2023!