About Us
ASIEQ – The Association of Self Insured Employers of Queensland
Members of the association include some of Queensland’s largest employers who have elected to provide their own accident insurance under a self insurance licence, instead of insuring with WorkCover. The Queensland Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act permits the Workers’ Compensation Regulator to issue self insurance licences to large employers that can demonstrate the ability to meet regulatory requirements.
Self insurance was introduced in Queensland under the WorkCover Queensland Act 1996 and the association was formed in 1998 to represent self insurers in negotiations with WorkCover Queensland and the Queensland Government.

Initially known as the Queensland Workers’ Compensation Self Insurers’ Association (QWCSIA) the association underwent significant change in 2008 to realign its position and redefine its brand/image as an employer focused association promoting positive initiatives and messages that would help improve the scheme and reduce workers’ compensation costs for all Queensland employers.
The association was renamed the Association of Self Insured Employers of Queensland (ASIEQ) and under an overarching theme of “employers striving for better outcomes” it has promoted ‘sustainable return to work outcomes’, ‘employer based injury management’ and ‘better life outcomes for injured workers’. These messages were incorporated into annual injury management conferences which achieved significant support from stakeholders including Q-COMP, WorkCover Queensland and Workplace Health and Safety. The jointly organised and highly successful Leadership and Vision in Injury Management conference in 2011 was testament to improved stakeholder relationships and a common focus on improving outcomes by linking Safety, Health, Wellness and Injury Management in the workplace.
In November 2011 the ASIEQ conducted a further strategic review forum to reflect on its development as a recognised major stakeholder in the Queensland workers’ compensation scheme and to plan for the future. The review focused on developing core messages that would provide the platform for the continued development of the Association and assist our members in their quest for better outcomes.
The Association launched into the 2012 year with a new logo, image and five core messages that emphasise the preferred Self Insured Employer status of our members and supports an overarching theme of “Planning for a Sustainable Future”.
Since this time the committee have worked to build a sustainable organisation that comprises of all Self Insurer’s in Queensland.
Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission
Striving for sustainable outcomes for workers and employers in Queensland by supporting flexible insurance and injury management arrangements that integrate safety, health and wellbeing.

Our Vision
To be recognised as a valuable contributor to the future direction of the workers compensation scheme in Queensland by providing insights, innovation and practical solutions.

Our Values - Respect
In all our interactions with a focus on openness, active listening and valuing diversity

Our Values - Collaboration
By working together to build strong relationships

Our Values - Accountability
By demonstrating good governance, acting responsibly, protecting privacy and displaying integrity

Our Values - Achievement
With a clear focus on excellence, quality, sustainability and continuous improvement

These messages are designed to be utilised at various business and operational levels for our association and its members and will continue to provide a positive example to all employers in the quest to reduce the social and business costs of workplace injury and illness.
It is our view that the promotion of these holistic messages is consistent with global research that employers who develop their own unique injury management systems focused on injured worker outcomes, and not insurance outcomes, achieve the best results.
Our Association is committed to building stronger relationships with stakeholders as we develop and promote employer based injury management strategies that will assist all employers to plan for sustainable futures.
Objects of the Association
Lobby Government to influence policy direction to enable better outcomes through self-insurance and injury management tailored to strategic objectives;
Educate Government that:
- Employer based injury management leads to better outcomes for employees;
- Self-insurance is more holistic and not only about workers’ compensation
Provide a forum for the discussion of matters relating to injury management in Queensland, especially in relation to self-insurance matters;
Allow the members to be represented in discussions with government departments and any other relevant body on matters relating to the above objects that affect the members in Queensland; and relevant associated matters.
Make submissions and representations on matters relating to self-insurance and/or employer based injury management, workers’ compensation and related matters to government departments, any other relevant body and any Government inquiry into workers’ compensation arrangements in Queensland; and relevant associated matters.
Receive and disseminate information about self-insurance and injury management and relevant associated matters to members;
Arrange education for members and their staff in respect of self-insurance and injury management; and relevant associated matters.
Promote the benefits and role of self-insurance and employer based injury management within the community at large.
Do anything necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of the above objects
The functions of the Association are carried out by an Executive and currently 5 specialist sub committees who report to members at Quarterly Forums