The Safe Work and Return to Work Awards 2019 are now open

The Safe Work and Return to Work Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding work health and safety and return to work achievements

By entering you can:

  • be acknowledged and raise your profile as a leader in work health and safety and rehabilitation and return to work
  • win a share of $24,000 in prize money
  • share solutions and network with other work health and safety and rehabilitation leaders
  • meet Safety Ambassador Shane Webcke at the awards ceremony.

Award Categories

Category one – Best solution to an identified work health and safety issue

Category two – Best individual contribution to work health and safety

Category three – Best solution to an identified electrical issue

Category four – Most significant improvement to work health and safety performance

Category five – Best commitment to work health and wellbeing

Category six – Best demonstrated leadership in work health and safety (Closed category – entrants for this category are chosen from categories one to five)

Category six – Best demonstrated leadership in work health and safety (Closed category – entrants for this category are chosen from categories one to five)

Category seven – Injured worker achievement award

Category eight – Best rehabilitation and return to work management system

Category nine – Best individual contribution to rehabilitation and return to work

Category ten – Best demonstrated leadership in return to work (Closed category – entrants for this category are chosen from categories seven to nine)

Category eleven – Best demonstrated healthy and safe work design 0000

To Enter go to:-